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Oktober is very emotionally intelligent and mature. He's older and more experienced than his crewmates, which puts him in the role of the leader. Back on Etheria he used to teach young etherians, mostly vemians, how to channel their elemental powers and how to effectively use them. Oktober himself currently has many learned elemental powers, which he studied and worked very hard to aquire. Originally he knew certain types of water and air manipulation, but now his list contains even some of the hardest skills like sonokinesis (sound manipulation), gyrokinesis (gravity manipulation) and various other teleportation, mimicry and terrain manipulation techniques. After he proved himself to be a talented and fast learner, the queens saw potential and hired him to play a part in the royal guard. Because of their weaker frame vemians are not common in the army or the guard.

It's a great honor for a vemian to be so skilled at manipulation, that he makes it into a position of a soldier. Oktober met another vemian at the Divine Realm. His name was Carmine and he worked as a personal servant. They grew closer and became partners. After a few years Carmine grew unhappy and started going corrupt which led to his banishment and he moved to the Lifeless Plane. Oktober wasn't satisfied with how the situation was handled and felt that Carmine deserved a second chance, so he went looking for him. He quickly found out Carmine left Etheria and realized it might be a bigger problem than he thought. He took matter into his own hands and began searching for his corrupted friend. Oktober got vague directions, where Carmine might have gone, from other skeries in Mirstone. He finally found him on planet Earth where he also befriended Arabella. But Oktober didn't expect Carmine to be as vicious and primal as he was, so he got captured by his own ex partner, who tortured him for weeks. Finally Arabella found him and with some luck they escaped.

Oktober was very grateful and thought Arabella might be fit to arise. He was right and even though he got into some trouble himself, Arabella was fit to receive her own halo and become part etherian. From that point Oktober gathered his crew and with royal permission set sail to Earth. He knew that the task to contain Carmine was his own, but he needed a few trusted people to help him on his journey. He couln't fly the Leviathan on his own, so he begged Hayden to join the team, and for repairs he recruited Kalisto who was more than happy to leave Etherea. Out of the goodness of his heart, he invited Marsha. She's a good friend of Oktober, almost like a sister, and they needed a chef anyway. Of course Arabella was coming with, Earth is her home planet after all, but they still had an open position for an informant/adviser. This is where Kalisto mentioned a friend of hers, Dakota. She vouched for her intelligence and insight into other life forms so Oktober agreed. The crew was finally all together.

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